14% OFF your order! USE CODE "LOVE14"

14% OFF your order! USE CODE "LOVE14"


Self-Study Online Training Sale - Get Certified for only $1300!


The sale is no longer available to the general public.  

HOWEVER, you can still save for a few days since you arrived here  from an email or text to the Soma Family.  The discount codes will NOT automatically appear at checkout.  To grab the savings, please note the codes below and use the appropriate one at checkout.  Thank you for being part of the Soma Family!

Now is a great time to learn a new skills and add Vibrational Sound Techniques to your client offerings or begin your Natural Therapies Practice with Sound Therapy!

During our Self-Study Online Training Sale we offer you ADDITIONAL 20% savings of our already discounted Training Series options.

With this additional savings, you can become a
Certified Vibrational Sound Practitioner
for $1300:

T4E: Practitioner Duo Deluxe Kit: Everything you need to complete Phase 1 & 2: $1,299 - 20% = $1040
Professional Correspondence Course (Professional Practices, Ethics and Informed Consent Form): $195
Certification Fee with Natural Therapies Certification Board: $65
Total: $1300 USD

Or you can start with the T1C Starter Kit with the Phase 1 Course and Energy Tuners for around $400!


 Order NOW to save up to an ADDITIONAL 20% site wide: 

  • ORDERS Over $333.00 (after discounts) save 20% more with Discount Code: "SETRAINING"
  • Orders under $333 save 10% with code TRAINING10

The appropriate code and ADDITIONAL savings will automatically appear once you enter the checkout process.  If on mobile, opening the "Show order summary" will reveal the discount and your ADDITIONAL savings! 

The SomaEnergetics 5-star training is a comprehensive experience into the amazing world of vibrational therapy utilizing out custom Solfeggio Tuning Forks.  Start or continue your training journey today and save!

Thanks for your continued support of SomaEnergetics!

If you desire personal service, just call 704-469-SOMA (7662) or fill out this contact form.

Explore entire Vibrational Sound Training Series!

Remember you save an ADDITIONAL 20% off the Starter and Practitioner Kits below with code SETRAINING at Checkout!
