SomaEnergetics Guiding Principles by David Hulse
A Call to Awaken to Higher Consciousness...
Do you want to be part of a movement of "Awakeners" that are being of service to humanity by connecting with 5th dimensional energy through vibration and sound?
We are part of that movement: Awakening humanity to the next stage of higher consciousness.
For nearly 2 decades, SomaEnergetics had been opening 5th Dimensional portals with ancient frequencies.
The portals are opening and the chaos of the breakdown of the 3rd dimension can be uncomfortable and challenging!
It is challenging to stay awake and not be knocked out emotionally as we awaken to the reality of systems that divide and separate us.
3rd dimensional patterns looks chaotic and distorted when viewed from a 5th dimensional perspective,
We are here to assist YOU in raising your vibration to stabilize this new energy as new systems emerge the support and unite us!
It is no accident you are reading this ~ There are no accidents.
Together we are stronger and can stabilize this faster. Join us!
How did we get here? A little history from our founder...
As a student of “A Course In Miracles” in the late 80’s, I was faced with a dichotomy in the idea that we are not a body. I never understood this statement fully until I began to study Quantum Physics which tells us that everything is energy and matter is not as solid as we perceive it to be. I believe what is stated is that at the deepest level we are not separate, as a body, as a spirit, as a soul — we are just energy-beings.
Quantum physics has found that there is no empty space in the human cell, but it is a teaming, electromagnetic field of possibility or potential.” Deepak Chopra
Let’s take a look at the idea of ice, water and steam. All 3 are water at different temperatures. Steam, with its molecules far apart, is the most etheric. As the molecules come closer together and the temperature lowers, we get water. And finally, as the temperature drops below 32 degrees and the molecules bind, we get ice. Think of this principle with energy in regard to spirit, soul and body with the body being the most dense form of energy.
Now let’s look at the seven auric fields that energetically make up our physical body. Most of us have been taught that the body has an aura. I come from the premise that the aura has (is) a body! The furthest field out is the ketheric (crown) which is the least dense (steam) and holds the perfect blueprint for our physical body (ice). As we work our way to the physical body we go through other fields that store our experiences, beliefs, and emotions, becoming denser along the way. As the blueprint of the ketheric moves down through these other fields, the perfect blueprint – which is never lost, but held in the ketheric field – is changed to something less than perfection – forming an inferior body. As we come to the field closest to the physical body, there is an interface that takes place between the etheric and the physical. This interface between these two fields is what we work with in the Phase 1 Energy Vitality Technique.
According to Dr. Richard Gerber in Vibrational Medicine the etheric body is a subtle-energy template that guides the development of the physical body. Distortions in the etheric template may be a prediction of illness months prior to it becoming manifest in the physical body.
Our Purpose...
Our purpose is not to be our client's ‘Healer,’ but to assist them in knowing who they are and in connecting with their inherent ability of the body to heal itself. We provide a non-judgmental atmosphere, a sacred space, for the purpose of healing. Old paradigms dictate that information should be kept among professionals. The new paradigm challenges us to share information that can empower the client.
I do believe this is the beginning of a new way in which we can bypass the resistance of the human ego and its powerful belief systems. I see natural healing therapies moving in the direction of using frequencies therapeutically as we head further into the 21st century. This view is corroborated, in the book Vibrational Medicine by Richard Gerber, M.D.
“Vibrational healing methods represent new ways of dealing with illness. Practitioners of subtle-energy medicine attempt to correct dysfunction in the human organism by manipulating invisible yet integral levels of human structure and function. Healing at the level of human subtle energy anatomy is predicated upon the new physics understanding that all matter is, in fact, a manifestation of energy. As science and technology evolve to make that which was formerly unseen visible, more scientists and physicians will be forced to change their viewpoint about the extended nature of human beings…”
I invite you to be a partner with me as we take this adventure together…
David Hulse, CVSMT
Ideas to continue your Soma Journey:
Read more about Awakening and 5th Dimensional Modalities
A Fork In The Road - By David Hulse ~ This book goes into much more detail about David’s journey in developing SomaEnergetics.
Start with some beginner tools:
- Om Tuner(s) for relaxation, meditation and stress relief
- Personal Sound Therapy Kit ~ AKA Massage Therapy Starter Kit
Explore Solfeggio Tuning Fork sets:
- Energy Tuners for working with the Etheric Field and Energy Centers
- Body Tuners for Acupressure Points, tight muscles and joints
Explore Comprehensive Training via live workshops or Self Study:
- Check the Event Calendar for Live Courses with Certified Teachers
- Start your training journey with the Phase 1 Online Self-Study Course
Ready to really dive in? Explore Combo Training Kits for the best deals!
And finally, we do our best to be available to our amazing fellow awakeners (customers). Feel free to reach out by calling 704-469-SOMA (7662) or using this contact form.
Until then... Remember to Stay Tuned!