We Raise the Frequency

You are the heartbeat of our community. Together, we're creating a ripple of positive change across the world. In these times, we need each other more than ever!

The tests required for Phase 1, 2 and 3 Self Study and Live Course completions are available as part of the SomaEnergetics Training Academy.

SELF STUDY:  If you purchased the Self-Study Course, the test for the course and the method to submit your 10 sessions  are at the end of the course. Log into www.TuningForkTraining.com to access the course and the test.

LIVE IN-PERSON COURSES: If you took a course with a certified instructor, then you can get access to complete the certification requirements for each course on the training platform.  The course is available free.  If you already have courses on the platform, then login and add the appropriate course (Phase 1, 2 or 3 LIVE Course Requirements) to your dashboard.  If you this is your first course with us, go to  www.TuningForkTraining.com and create an account, then access the course.

Thanks for training with SomaEnergetics.

Questions?  support@somaenergetics.com  or call 704-469-SOMA (7662)