We Raise the Frequency

You are the heartbeat of our community. Together, we're creating a ripple of positive change across the world. In these times, we need each other more than ever!

These 2 hour Vibrational Sound PLAYshops are a great way to directly experience tuning forks and how you can incorporate the power of sound and vibration for personal transformation, match the frequencies of your desires, call in arch angels and enhance communication between mind and body!

Mini SoundShops developed by: David Hulse, CMSTT

Overview and Welcome from David

Research is building that stress may be the underlying cause of up to 80% of disease and chronic illness. Pioneers in the field of Vibrational Sound are researching the effects of sound and vibration on human health and wellness.  We invite you to come and experience specific techniques that can assist you in reducing stress and aid in a better quality of life. Through the science of sound we can open vibrational pathways that connect our personal energy body to Universal Energy for manifestation of our hearts desires.

David Hulse, founder of SomaEnergetics, has developed four Mini Sound Shops called the Soma Sonic Series designed to explore using Vibrational Sound, specifically tuning forks, for stress relief, clearing space, calling in arch angels, cell talk and matching the frequencies of your desires. 

  • Let's Explore the Workshops in the Soma Sonic Series:

    1) “Using the Science of Sound Therapy for Personal Transformation”

    Use for Stress Relief, Clearing Space, Working with Angels, Energizing Water & More!

    Research is building that stress may be the underlying cause of up to 80% of disease and chronic illness. Pioneers in the field of Vibrational Sound are researching the effects of sound and vibration on human health and wellness.  We invite you to come and experience specific techniques that can assist you in reducing stress and aid in a better quality of life. Through the science of sound we can open vibrational pathways that connect our personal energy body to Universal Energy for manifestation of our hearts desires.

    2) “Using the Solfeggio to Match the Frequency of YOUR Desires!”

    Through the science of sound we can open vibrational pathways that connect our personal energy body to Universal Energy matching the frequency of our hearts desires. We will work directly with the Solfeggio Energy Tuners to match the frequency of YOUR desires including protocols for: 
    ~ Aligning with Soul Purpose                            ~ Career or Job Change
    ~ Raising Your Consciousness                           ~ Peace of Mind
    ~ Physical & Mental Wellness                           ~ Harmonious Relationships (Current or New)
    You will also learn how to create your own protocol for your specific desires. Come and PLAY!  Course available as an online course using Solfeggio Energy Tuners (Sold seperately).

     3) “Brainwaves, Sacred Ratios and Brain/Body Connection Technique using Brain, Sun and Moon i Tuners!”

    Using Brain & Moon/Sun Tuners to Enhance Your Quality of Life and Create Optimum Communication Between Your Brain and Body!

    Your brain has nerve cells that fire electrical signals and oscillate in distinctive arrangements called brainwave patterns. These patterns are closely connected to your thoughts, emotions, moods, biological chemistry, everything you do, and really, everything you are.  Imagine if you could easily and gently change those patterns and enter which ever state of mind you desire at any time through the use of tuning forks!  We will also explore using Moon and Sun tuners to create portals for manifestation.  Then the Brain/Body Communication technique combines using Brain, Sun Moon Tuners to help center the body, test for polarity, and check the communication between the brain and the body.  In the brain, the cerebrum gives messages to the cerebellum and the cerebellum delivers it to the body.  This technique tests, and then if necessary, reestablishes communication between the brain and the body. Experiential Workshop – we will learn techniques and play with the forks! Also available as an online course or as a kit with the forks!

    4) “Activate YOUR Codes with DNA/RNA Tuning Forks!”

    Modern Science tells us that you can influence your DNA with frequency and intention!

    DNA is our human blueprint.   Our physical body is created when this blueprint is combined with the information found in the etheric template.   You will learn a technique that calls in the Angels needed at this time to assist humanity to the next stage of bio conscious evolution using the new energy coming in to the planet at this time.  Come and use this exclusive fork set with a technique designed to activate YOUR DNA codes!   Course included with purchase of the DNA Fork Set.

    5) A Journey Through Alternate Realities using Fibonacci Tuners

    A Journey Through Alternate Realities ~ Using Fibonacci Tuners as a Gateway to the Golden Mean!

    The Sacred Ratios created by the Fibonacci Tuners can bring you into alignment with the mathematical codes of your Divine Blueprint, access higher states of consciousness, and connect with alternative healing realities! Fibonacci Tuners are part of a continuum of sound that spirals in and out of different realities. Imagine a child walking on the beach picking up a seashell and putting it to their ears. The sound inside the seashell is the same as the sound created by all the Fibonacci Tuners. Their main purpose is to open gateways into alternate realities and to explore higher states of consciousness to empower a creative healing response. Experience a journey with the Fibonacci from your Inner Voice, through the Mystical Passageway to the Eye of God! Also available as an online course or as a kit with the forks!

  • Soma Sonic Series Details:

    • Hands-on Experience with the techniques
    • Forks will be provided for experiential time
    • Forks will be available for purchase
    • Costs: Varies by teacher. Generally $29-$49 per course
    • Some Teachers offer specials for early registration or for taking all courses offered. 
    • Registration is only available via downloadable registration form for each series offered or directly with the instructor offering the courses.
    • Certified Vibrational Sound Practitioner Program Available

    David Hulse, C.V.S.M.T. combines his over 50 years of experience as a motivational speaker with years of research in metaphysics, science, sound and spirituality to bring you a unique and empowering experience. Participants in David’s workshops invariably comment that they had no idea how powerful the experience was going to be. David’s ability to gather all the fragments of truth from many different disciplines helps bring all of your experiences up to now into focus. Participants tell us that things in their life that seemed separate and fragmented suddenly come together after spending the weekend with David. We invite you to come and experience an empowering and inspiring weekend with David Hulse and experience the power of SomaEnergetics!

  • Comments by participants of the series:

    • “Affordable way to experience various sets and then purchase the ones I resonated with!” - CD
    • “Instructors very personable; good one-on-one.” - MS
    • “Excellent instructors. Enjoyed the entire series. Leaves me wanting more.” - SM
    • “Enjoyed the series immensely! David brings his knowledge of life experiences, spirituality, and knowledge of Science together to create a well-rounded awesome classes. What an awesome series and great asset to my massage business
    • “Great workshops – This was beyond my expectations.” – BC

    • In April of this year I signed up for the Soma Energetics classes: Brain waves and Cell Talk and Activating your DNA . The Wednesday before class I  had a rash and being an RN, I knew it was shingles having had this before. I didn't want to miss the classes, so I decided I would be careful as not to spread the rash. Friday Morning it spread on my body to another area. I attended all sessions Friday and Saturday. The Soma Energetics classes are woderful, you learn by doing and being a tactile learner, this helps me as a student for retention. Throughout the sessions, we had many opportunities to work on each other. This is the best part, by working with a partner, both days my rash was completely gone, dried up and healed, NO medication, just the powerful forks and intention. Thank you David and Tim you are AWESOME!!! and so are the FORKS! Many Blessings - JEP