SomaEnergetics Vibrational Sound Tuning Sessions
What is a SomaEnergetics Vibrational Sound Session?
We store life experiences as energy patterns. Some of those experiences, especially negative ones, create blockages that interrupt the free flow of energy in our lives. The other factor that limits our energy flow is that many of us live at “survival” level. We access and use only the energy needed to get through the day (the autonomic system).
What happens if we can free the blocked energy; or better yet, access energy, which has been stored within our “energy anatomy?” What we have discovered at SomaEnergetics, is that when people receive a SomaEnergetics vibrational tuning, they frequently tell us that not only do they feel much better (spiritually, emotionally, etc), but, they have often altered their life in some major way (change of career, moving, etc.). The ‘tuning’ activates the energy in the root energy center and raises it up through each energy center in succession allowing energy to freely flow. When energy flows freely, new choices in our lives are awakened and we have new-found energy from within to make the changes we want, and perhaps need to make.
As a person increases consciousness, it becomes necessary for energy to flow freely allowing the space for higher vibration energies to integrate. Each time we receive a SomaEnergetics vibrational tuning, it helps our bodies adjust to and integrate the higher vibrations that accompany a raised consciousness.
A Typical Session...
Sessions are usually 30 or 60 minutes and are conducted fully clothed on a massage table. They begin with an affirmation and use of the “OM” tuner (calibrated to the vibration of the Earth) to take away the stresses of the day followed by the Energy Vitality Technique which can assist in opening energy centers and raising the client’s energy level from survival to optimum vitality.
A 60-minute session continues with either Solfeggio body tuners to address specific areas of concern and/or the Energy Scanning Technique which can assist in finding and clearing energy blockages that the client is ready to release.
Reminder: Since the cornerstone of this technique is based on the intuition and intent of the practitioner and the client, techniques may vary between practitioners. The individual Practitioner assumes all liability for their use of the SomaEnergetics techniques.
The session length and rate is set by the individual practitioner. Many of these individuals are trained in other disciplines and incorporate the SomaEnergetics Technique within those modalities.