SomaEnergetics Teacher Certification Training Courses
2024 Courses Scheduled - Info Call Coby @ 704-469-SOMA (7662)
- Become a Certified Teacher/ Master Teacher in 2024
- Must be a Certified Vibrational Sound Coach to qualify
- • Teacher 1 - June 20-23, 2024 in Charlotte NC
• Teacher 2 - TBA
• Teacher 3 - TBA
Welcome and thank you for exploring becoming a SomaEnergetics Certified Teacher. It is a rewarding and comprehensive program that was instituted in 2003.
Perhaps a great place to start is by reading about other teachers journey to SomaEnergetics through this blog post.
Teachers course are only taught LIVE with original developers, David Hulse and Tim Leach or a Certified Trainer (Trainer program in development and by invitation only).
Example of 4 day Teacher Course and Intern Practicum:
- Teacher Course will be Thursday & Friday & Sunday Afternoon - 12 hours
- Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday will be a live class for regular students of the course you are learning to teach. You will assist David in teaching this class as an intern. This will also count as 1 of the 2 classes that you have to teach as part of your intern practicum. 12 Hours
- On Thursday & Friday we will cover how to teach the course, assign which sections each person will teach during the weekend, sign off on your technique and go over the business side of being a teacher. On Sunday afternoon, we will debrief, and cover questions.
- Generally we will begin on Thursdays at 10 AM and will be finished Sundays at 6 PM EST.
About the Program:
Our Certification Teacher Program, which began in 2003, has dozens of qualified and passionate participants around the world.
Check out our "Find A Practitioner/Coach/Teacher" page for a list of teachers.
Being a Certified Teacher is an honor that comes with responsibility. Teachers are the representative of SomaEnergetics to their students. A Certified Teacher is one who represents themselves as qualified to teach others. Our Teachers have a complete understanding of the SomaEnergetics principles and techniques.
Vibrational Sound Teacher Certification - Teacher 1
Only a your level of dedication in creating your SomaEnergetics business limits you.
Communication is the KEY! We want you to succeed and we offer supplemental programs and support materials to aid in your success.
- Certification to host and teach your own SomaEnergetics Phase 1 Courses.
- You can certify your students attended training in the Energy Vitality Technique.
- List your courses on our website calendar with a link to yours or your flyer!
- Premium Listing on the website as a Teacher in the “Locate a Practitioner Section”
- Discounts on Tuning Forks and SomaEnergetics Supplies.
- Permission to use the SomaEnergetics logo and Testimonies on business cards and flyers, as well as on other promotional materials.
- Teacher Support Products to aid in your success including a PowerPoint presentation that makes it easy to teach a Course!
- Certification as a Certified Vibrational Sound Coach through NTCB
- Interview to be accepted into the Teacher Program
- Completion of the Teacher 1 Course
- Sign a Contract with SomaEnergetics which allows you to:
- Purchase all SomaEnergetics Solfeggio Energy and Body Tuning Fork sets and other support products at a discount from SomaEnergetics
- Purchase a Training Kit for each student, which includes a SomaEnergetics Phase 1 Manual and a Certificate of Attendance.
- Demonstrate the SomaEnergetics Techniques on another person with David Hulse observing. (Usually done during the Course)
- Intern at a Phase 1 Course with David Hulse during the Teacher Training Weekend. (Counts as 1 of the courses required as part of the practicum.)
- Teach 2 Phase 1 Courses (30 Hour Practicum) Number of students is up to you.
Vibrational Sound Master Teacher Certification - Teacher 2
Same as Teacher 1 except you can Teach Phase 2 also and take your students to the first level of Certification.
Vibrational Sound Master Teacher Certification with Phase 3 Endorsement - Teacher 3
You will receive Certification as Master Teacher with Phase 3 Endorsement. Same benefits, prerequisites and requirements as above, just applies to Phase 3 Course.
How do I apply for the program?
If you know this is for you, the first step is an interviewto check where you are in our certification process and discuss the commitment necessary for success. To apply for the program and set up the interview, call Coby at 704-469-SOMA (7662).