NCBTMB Approved Provider - CE Hours for Massage Therapists
IMPORTANT NOTE: In 2019 NCBTMB narrowed their definition of Bodywork and Massage removing ALL energy work.(non-manipulation of tissue). When our approval renewed on April 3, 2020, under the new guidelines, all current Phase 1, 2 and 3 courses as well as the SomaSonicSeries are no longer be eligible for CE Massage Therapist hours.
We now only have 1 APPROVED COURSE!
We submitted a course that manipulates tissue through the vibration of a body tuner on the body to fit their new guidelines. And they just approved it. The new OttoGlider Massage Tuner Course will be offered for 12 NCBTMB Hours!
This affects Massage Therapist CE hours ONLY. Nothing changes with the NTCB Vibrational Sound Certifications Program.
We are approved for the following Continuing Education Hours:
"SomaEnergetics" is Approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB)as a continuing education Approved Provider #450637-08. Approval Date February 28, 2008.
SomaEnergetics Courses are also approved for Florida Massage Therapists CE Hours via CE Broker #50-10569
The following course is approved for Continuing Education Hours for Massage Therapists:
Category | CE Hours | Course Title | Course Type |
Acupressure | 12 | OttoGlider Massage Tuner Course | Live |
Click here for a list of current courses.
Our courses can also be used toward National Vibrational Sound Certification through the Natural Therapies Certification Board which offers certifications throughout the world. More info...
We are also an Approved Provider with IICT: The International Institute for Complementary Therapies based in AU!