Phase 1 LIVE Vibrational Sound Course: Energy Vitality Technique

Massage Therapists, Reiki and Polarity Therapists, Holistic Physicians, Energy Workers and individuals around the country are getting amazing results using these powerful tuning forks with the SomaEnergetics Vibrational Sound Techniques. These protocols can be used in complement with nearly all energy and bodywork modalities.

Workshop developed by: David Hulse, CVSMT

Overview and Welcome from David

The Energy Vitality Technique taught in the Phase 1 course is the basis for all the other techniques taught in subsequent courses. Only by activating the energy the client is not using, connecting them to 5th dimensional energy, and then safely distributing that energy throughout the energy centers can we then do additional work with the open system we just created. 
Activating unused energy and reminding human beings of their connection to the universal source is one of the greatest gifts you can give someone. When we have extra energy beyond survival, then we can manifest, heal, attract wonderful co-creative partnerships and friendships. That is the genius of the Energy Vitality Technique - giving the gift of the ability to manifest your heart’s desire!

The Energy Vitality Technique offers the following:

  • Reconnect with your inner energy potential using the ancient Solfeggio frequencies to balance and impart harmony in your life.
  • Sound is a way to free blocked energy, thereby creating openings in which novel choices are awakened and new-found energy becomes available for personal transformation, health and healing.
  • These protocols may be used immediately after training for both personal and client-centered application.

As with all of our workshops and training sessions, this is a work in progress. Most disciplines are ever evolving as new information becomes available or new techniques are discovered. It is our desire to become a contributor to the new field of sound therapy and energy medicine that is fusing spirituality and science.

As we learn and work with clients on sound healing and vibration therapy, we must always return to the foundation of our work as Spiritual Healers. With intention, the Divine works through us to assist the client to return to homeostasis or balance allowing the human body to make the corrections necessary to heal itself. We do not heal anyone. All of our techniques are designed around this principle of Divine Healing through intention to bring balance. The tuning forks are a tool used to direct this divine energy healing.

Start your SomaEnergetics journey today with the Phase 1 Course - Live or Self-Study -->

Until then, I wish you SOUND Health!

David Hulse, SomaEnergetics Developer &
Certified Vibrational Sound Master Teacher

Additional Phase 1 Resources:

The SomaEnergetics Techniques and custom-made Solfeggio EnergyTuners and BodyTuners are taking Energetic Tools and Vibrational Sound  to an entirely new level!
  • Praise for our Live Courses:

    Comments by participants of our courses:

    • “Can’t improve on perfection!” - AB
    • “Instructors very personable; good one-on-one.” - MS
    • “Excellent instructors. Enjoyed the entire workshop. Leaves me wanting more.” - SM
    • “Enjoyed the class immensely! David brings his knowledge of life experiences, spirituality, and knowledge of Science together to create a well-rounded awesome class. What an awesome class and great asset to my massage business
    • “Great workshop – This was beyond my expectations.” – BC
    David Hulse, C.M.S.T.T. combines his over 50 years of experience as a motivational speaker with years of research in metaphysics, science, sound and spirituality to bring you a unique and empowering experience. Participants in David’s workshops invariably comment that they had no idea how powerful the experience was going to be. David’s ability to gather all the fragments of truth from many different disciplines helps bring all of your experiences up to now into focus. Participants tell us that things in their life that seemed separate and fragmented suddenly come together after spending the weekend with David. We invite you to come and experience an empowering and inspiring weekend with David Hulse and experience the power of SomaEnergetics!
  • Phase 1 Live Course Details:

    * = Workshop fee assumes early bird registration. This is the minimum fee. 
    ** Energy Tuners Kit – this is the minimum charge for the kit when purchased WITH the workshop. 
    Teachers may charge more depending on number of students, locations costs and workshop costs.

  • Technical Course Description:

    The student will learn the meaning of the word SomaEnergetics and what the Solfeggio frequencies are. The student will learn the theoretical relevance of Pythagorean numerical reduction to the Solfeggio frequencies. Through direct experience and group exercise, the student will learn what frequency attunement is. In particular, students will explore techniques of ear reception, point stimulation and learn the energy vitality technique: a complete set of protocols for using the forks in any client-centered setting. This course will include a review of empirical research detailing the relationship between these therapies, sound and matter, and client health and/or therapeutic goals. Those taking this course will be able to discuss the relevance of Cymatics, the contemporary study of wave phenomena and vibration engineered by Hans Jenny, to frequency attunement, in particular, and SomaEnergetics, more broadly. Lecture material includes a review of the human energetic profile and learning how each Solfeggio frequency is associated with a particular energy center. In addition to lecture, this 12 hour course provides an instructor-supervised practicum opportunity for hands-on training, to enable each student to practice and demonstrate proficiency with the energy vitality technique protocols. Successful completion of course requirements includes attendance of all 12 hours of course instruction and submission of a completed course evaluation form. Students participating in this course will be able to use these protocols immediately within their massage therapy or bodywork practice, or as a stand-alone set of therapeutic protocols. Course includes a 60+ page manual.

    Course Objectives:

    • Participant will able to perform the method of Pythagorean numerical reduction.
    • Participant will be able state the definition of frequency attunement.
    • Participant will be able to list each chakra, its bodily location and its correlated Solfeggio Frequency.
    • Participant will be able to discuss the relevance of Cymatics to frequency attunement.
    • Participant will be able to perform the energy vitality technique protocols to stimulate the human etheric body for the health and therapeutic goals of the client.
  • Integration Benefits

    Benefits of the Incorporating Phase 1 Technique in your Natural Therapies Practice:

    (Thanks to Master Teachers Lori Fraley and Rosemary Levesque for this list!)

    • Effortlessly integrate sound with Reiki, massage, hypnosis, etc.
    • Enhance the effectiveness of other healing modalities
    • Use as a stand-alone vibrational healing modality with superior effectiveness and client results
    • Increases uniqueness in your field
    • Helps raise your personal vibrational levels
    • Helps healing in your own etheric field
    • Helps create a sacred space
    • Supports energetic hygiene
    • Helps balance your inner vortex
    • Releases unseen blocks in the body
    • Heightens intuitive awareness and psychic abilities
    • Experience minimal to no strain on the physical body
    • Easy to learn with effective results
    • Creates a nice sound bath
    • Attunes you to go beyond the physical and energetic limitations of other modalities
    • Helps you work as a shepherd for transformation
    • Offers a unique method for targeted healing work
    • Optimizes wholeness on the physical, emotional and spiritual plains
    • Assists you in working with ease and grace
    • Effortlessly tap into higher realms of consciousness
