SomaEnergetics Vibrational Sound Certification Blueprints
Certifications are issued by the Natural Therapies Certification Board
SomaEnergetics offers the Continuing Education Courses needed toward certification with NTCB.
A PDF Outline of the Certification Path is available here.
1) Blueprint to become a SomaEnergetics Certified Vibrational Sound Practitioner:
- Complete all the requirements of the Phase I Workshop and receive your Certificate of Attendance or Completion
- 15 CEU's Class and online Test - (Request Online Test Access)
- 7.5 CEU's Practicum (10 Client Sessions = 15 Clock hours)
- Complete all the requirements of the Phase II Workshop and receive your Certificate of Attendance or Completion
- 15 CEU's Class and online Test (Request Online Test Access)
- 7.5 CEU's Practicum (10 Client Sessions = 15 Clock hours)
- Completion of the Correspondence Course (Also part of the optional Spiritual Healer Licensing Program)
- 40 CEU's - This can be done anytime in the process.
- Total CEU's for Practitioner Phase = 85
- Approximate Costs:
- Phase 1 Workshop: $299 (Solfeggio Energy Tuners and other supplies sold separately)
- Phase 2 Workshop: $299 (Solfeggio Body Tuners and other supplies sold separately)
- Correspondence course - Approx $200
- Certification Licensing Fee through NTCB: $65
- From the date of certification you have 1 year to fulfill the requirements for Vibrational Sound Coach. If you can demonstrate that you are working toward the coaching certification, 1 additional year may be granted.
Additional Steps for Certification via Self-Study Courses: If you wish to work toward certification as a Vibrational Sound Practitioner with the Natural Therapies Certification Board (Certification Blueprint available on line at you must demonstrate your proficiency with the Phase 1 Energy Vitality Technique (E.V.T.). This is usually done during the live Phase 2 course. (If you “re-take” the Phase 2 course live, you can do it then). However, if you are taking the course via self-study, you will need to do one of the following to fulfill this requirement: (This is only necessary if you are working toward certification AND completed Phase 1 via Self-Study)
- Send in a digital file of you doing the E.V.T.
- Make arrangements to have a certified master teacher to “Check” you on the E.V.T. (See website for list)
- Make arrangements to “Skype” with a staff member at the home office to “check” you on the E.V.T.
Note: There may be an additional charge for the time spent to check your technique
2) Blueprint to become a SomaEnergetics Certified Vibrational Sound Coach
- Prerequisite: Must be a Certified Vibrational Sound Practitioner
- Passing of the Spiritual Coaching Skills Workshop (Scroll down) (Also part of the optional Spiritual Healer Licensing Program) (45 CEU's)
- Passing of the Anatomy and Physiology Correspondence Course - Scroll down to see A & P Info (30 CEU's)
- 12 Hour Advanced Vibrational Sound Coach weekend class using the DNA/RNA Tuning Forks
- 15 CEU's Class and online Test (Request Online Test Access)
- 300 hour Internship (30 CEU's) (Can be client sessions, additional training, expos, etc)
- Total CEU's to become a Certified Advanced Sound Therapy Practitioner (Coach) = 120
- Approximate Costs:
- Coaching Skills Teleconference Workshop - $249 if purchased separately
- Sound Therapy Coach Weekend Workshop: $299 (Plus forks)
- Anatomy/Physiology Correspondence course: $149
- Certification Licensing Fee through NTCB: $65
3) Blueprint to become Certified as a SomaEnergetics Vibrational Sound Teacher
- Prerequisite: Must be a Certified Vibrational Sound Coach
- Successfully Complete the Teacher 1 Training Weekend Course (15 CEU's)
- Instruction Practicum - Teach TWO Phase 1 Workshops (30 CEU's)
- Approval of SomaEnergetics and NTCB Board required to be certified.
- Total CEU's required to be certified = 45
- Approximate Costs:
- Teacher 1 - Sound Therapy Teacher Weekend Workshop: $399
- Certification Licensing Fee through NTCB: $65
4) Blueprint to become Certified as a SomaEnergetics Vibrational Sound Master Teacher
- Prerequisite: Must be a Certified Vibrational Sound Teacher
- Successfully Complete the Teacher 2: Master Teacher Training Weekend Course listed below (15 CEU's)
- Instruction Practicum - Teach TWO Phase 2 Workshops (30 CEU's)
- Approval of SomaEnergetics and NTCB Board required to be certified.
- Total CEU's required to be certified = 45
- Approximate Costs:
- Teacher 2 - Master Sound Therapy Teacher Weekend Workshop: $399
- Certification Licensing Fee through NTCB: $65