Passing the Torch!

Passing the Torch!

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T1D: SomaEnergetics Phase 1 Practitioner Pack

Phase 1 Practitioner Pack contains the additional support products to complement your Phase 1 sessions. 

Phase 1 Practitioner Pack Contents

  • OM Tuner - For grounding clients and use on tight muscles/achy joints
  • Crystal Tuner - Clear your space between clients & your tuning forks
  • Quartz Crystal - To sound the crystal tuner
  • Pendulum - for Energy Readings
  • Fork in the Road Book - More in-depth understanding of David's journey to the forks and developing SomaEnergetics.
  • SOLFA I CD - Play in the background - music complements the Solfeggio Energy Tuners

The Practitioner Pack is available as part of several combo training packages.  For a better deal check out your options... 




