SomaShare Live Virtual Event - Learn from Master Teachers! Nov 2nd-3rd

SomaShare Live Virtual Event - Learn from Master Teachers! Nov 2nd-3rd

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T3C - Phase 3 Starter Kit: Phase 3 Self-Study Course & DNA Fork Set

Phase 3 Starter Combo Training Kit

Combo Kit includes ONLINE COURSE : 4.5 hours of Video Training, 50 page manual and DNA/RNA Tuning Fork Set!

Phase 3 Self-Study Combo Training Kit includes:

Online Course access immediately upon completion of order, DNA Fork set will be shipped.

(Click on each item for a more detailed explanation)

We are excited to present for your consideration the Phase 3 Certified Vibrational Sound Coach Self-Study Course.  You are in for a unique and comprehensive training experience as the course is taught by not only by original developers, David Hulse & Tim Leach, but also several of our premium Certified Master Teachers!   

The Phase 3 Course is available also LIVE in a 12 hour workshop through any of our Certified Master Teachers with Phase 3 Endorsement.  If there is not a class offered near you that works with your schedule, you can complete Phase 3 via this Self-Study Course.  Completing the course live or self-study counts toward certification.

You also have the option to either complete the LIVE class and then get the Self Study Material only for review OR complete the Self-study Course and then take a LIVE class for 50% off as a "RETAKE".

You can purchase this item through your original Certified Teacher or through SomaEnergetics 704-469-SOMA(7662).

Now - About the course...

Continue your Vibrational Sound Training through this Self-Study Course utilizing the Power of SomaEnergetics and our exclusive set of DNA/RNA/Pineal Gland Tuning forks!

The Ancestral Energy Release Technique:

Coming from the premises established in the course: The epigenome (how genes are expressed) could be affected by working in the etheric template, and that heritable changes in the gene function can potentially be changed through intention directed by subtle frequencies from tuning forks, the Ancestral Energy Release Technique (AERT) was developed.

Through this 5th dimensional energy technique, the following may be etherically addressed:

  • Unwinding ancestral predispositions
  • Reprogramming with corrected genetic expressions
  • Multiple generations
  • Maternal or Paternal side of the family
  • Planetary, Inherited or Acquired Miasms
  • Issues from past lives
  • Issues related to fulfilling life contracts

This technique is designed to be inserted into the Phase 1 Energy Vitality Technique.  Indicators for inserting the Phase 3 technique include a chakra that will not balance or feels heavy.

A few quotes from the course:

  • “One of the best ways to alter dysfunctional patterns in the subtle bodies is to administer therapeutic doses of frequency specific subtle energy in the form of vibration.”
    • ~ Richard Gerber, M.D. Vibrational Medicine
  • “It is taking a bold new generation to ask new experimental questions. We’re just starting to find out what happens to genes when the environment changes, how DNA responds to psycho-spiritual experiences, how our emotions affect our health, why energy medicine works, and how we can stimulate the body’s internal pharmacy to write prescriptions for healing.”
    • ~ Dawson Church, The Genie in Your Genes
  • “A tiny signal at just the right frequency is capable of triggering cell membrane protein to create an amplified response inside a cell of its DNA genetic material. It is thus not surprising that subtle energetic emanations from a tuning fork at a specific frequency could have an unforeseen healing effect on the body.”
    • ~ Karl H. Maret. M.D. in Forward to Tuning the Human BioField by Elieen McKusick

A few comments from Participants:

  • The information provided and the healing(s) experienced are worth the cost of the workshop alone! The use of the Brain Tuners are the missing link!  IT just keeps getting better.
  • The workshop was amazing! I look forward to seeing the depth of healing possible.  This course in necessary for anyone who is truly serious about spirituality, healing, learning and growth.
  • It was a phenomenal learning experience.

Full Self Study Course includes:

  • 4.5 Hoursof lecture, PowerPoint & Demonstrations online in the SomaEnergetics Training Academy.  Available immediately upon purchase!
  • Course includes the SomaEnergetics Ancestral Energy Release Technique
  • Integration with Phase 1 and 2including clips from the Phase 1 and 2 techniques.
  • Follow along with the Phase 3 Training Manual
  • On-line Exam Instructions & Completion Requirements 
  • 4.5 Hours of Training Videos in the Phase 3 Self-Study Course Include:
    • DNA and Epigenetics 
      Welcome Vibrational Sound Practitioners ~ David Hulse
      Section 1 - Epigenetics, DNA & Energy Modalities, Intention - David Hulse
      Our Imaginal Cells ~ Heather Lorah
      DNA and Tuning Forks, Affecting Epigenetic DNA ~ Yvette McGuire

    • The DNA/RNA Tuning Forks 
      Section 2 - DNA Tuning Forks, Amino Acids, Torsion Energy ~ Holly Strong
      Pineal Gland, 5th Dimensional Energy, Miasms - Jan Konow
      Section 3 - DNA/RNA and The Archangels - LeeAnn Cornell
      Ancestry Guided Meditation ~ Heather Lorah

    • The Phase 3 Technique 
      Section 4 - DNA Ancestral Energy Release Technique ~ Tim Leach
      Diving a Little Deeper with David Hulse
      DNA/AER Technique Recap ~ Tim Leach

    • Integration and Support
      Section 5 - Integration with Phase 1 and 2 ~ Rosemary Levesque
      Section 6 - Customizing A Session ~ Carol Gailey
      Section 7 – Support Material – Lori Lane Fraley

  • Course Completion:

    In order to receive your Certificate of Training and enjoy the benefits of being a SomaEnergetics Intern and on your way toward certification, you will need to:

    • pass a 60 question online test

    • perform the Phase 3 Techniques 10 times and record the results

    Once you pass the written test and return the 10 Tuning Session Results Form, we will mail you a Certificate of Training. Having completed Phase 3 via Self-Study Course, you are then eligible to:

    • Apply as a Certified Vibrational Sound Coach (assuming other requirements have been met)

    • Eligible to "RETAKE" Phase 3 in a live setting at a 50% discount.

  • Course Prerequisites and Suggestions:
    • Course Prerequisite: Phase 1 and 2 Courses* either live or via Self-Study.
    • Suggestions:
      • Sometimes the best students are those that complete the Self-Study and then take the Live Course (for 50% off). The ability to go back and review the material is a great benefit. If you have already taken Phase 3 in person, the review course is a great support product for your continued training.
      • Through this comprehensive course, you will begin to increase your level of consciousness, become more flexible and creative and open yourself up to new areas of communication and expression.
    • You will need the DNA/RNA Tuning Fork Kitincluded in this combo training kit to complete this course.
    * = This course is built on the Phase 1 Energy Vitality Technique - Phase 1 is an absolute requirement. Phase 2 and 3 can be taken out of order, but Phase 2 must be complete before any certification can be approved. 
