Personal Tuning Fork Starter Kit - 528hz Love Edition

A special edition Starter Set used by Tony Gyenis' students in live workshops, and includes the 528Hz Love fork instead of the Pineal tuning fork as well as a SomaGlider for ideal use of the OM Tuner. 

Due to popular demand, we're offering this kit to the public. Use sound and vibration in the form of quality-calibrated, US manufactured tuning forks & tools to assist you in caring for yourself and your family. 

A few customer reviews share how easy-to-use and effective the tools in the kit can be:

"I have been amazed to see how it has calmed my daughter down when she is having a meltdown, quite a transformation and she can use it to self regulate."

"I have used the Om tuners just before bed with self Reiki and I feel so much better when I sleep and awaken the next morning. I definitely will buy again."

Use this kit for Stress Relief, Clearing Space, Calling in Angels, Opening Spiritual Gateways, Love, DNA, and Heart Activation and Meditation

Kit Includes: (Click on each item for more detailed description)

This is a special edition variation of the Personal Starter kit inspired by Tony Gyenis' workshops.  The Pineal Gland Fork has been replaced with the 528Hz Love fork, and a SomaGlider boot has been added for maximum comfort and vibrational dispersion. 
