Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has been around for thousands of years. It uses treatments and concepts that western medicine generally does not, such as acupuncture and herbal remedies. Practices like tai chi or qigong are also used to address inequalities within the body. 

Qi is another concept that is a large part of TCM. Those who practice or follow TCM believe that qi is a vital energy that flows through the body. If your qi is deficient, then you may experience certain negative health side effects. Several energy modalities are available to address a qi imbalance or deficiency, including using healing vibrational frequencies from solfeggio tuning forks. 

An In-Depth Look at Qi in the Body

Qi, as a concept, is one of the basic, fundamental roots of Chinese medicine. It is generally translated as “vital energy.” 

Qi is universal energy; it is not just in the body. Instead, it is found within everything, from the earth itself to the computer screen or phone that you are viewing. It is also found in light, emotion, heat, and even nerve impulses.

Ultimately, TCM believes that life itself is a gathering of qi. Because qi is energy, it is constantly fluctuating. It is never destroyed, but it can change from one manifestation to another. This energy affects both mental and physical health. Balancing qi is the key to good health and a long life. 

TCM believes that an imbalance in qi is what leads to physical and mental health issues. While today’s science certainly contradicts that all health issues can be solved by addressing qi, there is evidence that addressing qi imbalances can help your overall health and well-being. 

Qi Deficiency

When qi is imbalanced or deficient, you may experience some physical and mental signs and symptoms. A 2015 study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences provided five general symptoms that indicate you may need to address a qi deficiency.

  • Fatigue
  • Shortness of breath or no desire to talk 
  • Weak pulse
  • Spontaneous sweating
  • Swollen tongue (often with teeth marks on the side)

Qi deficiencies might be linked to aging, but otherwise, it is unclear what causes qi deficiencies or imbalances. There might also be a connection between chronic medical conditions and qi, but the connection is generally described as the chronic condition causing a qi issue, not the other way around. Conditions like hypertension, stroke, or heart disease are often associated with qi deficiencies. 

The Connection Between Stress and Qi

Most TCM practitioners believe that you use qi in daily life and using too much can lead to qi deficiency or general feelings of being run down and tired. Most people are always on the go in the western world, with little time to relax and unwind. A stressful life drains your qi, making you more prone to qi deficiencies and related illnesses. 

The most common way to think of qi deficiency is by comparing it to being run down or burned out. Stress and overwork are usually the causes of this condition.

Using Tuning Forks to Improve the Flow of Qi

An Overview of How Tuning Forks Work

At the most basic level, a tuning fork is an acoustic instrument that is structured so that it only provides certain frequencies of sound. In solfeggio tuning forks, the frequencies are connected to healing very specific parts of the body, including physical portions as well as mental or emotional aspects. 

While tuning forks are used to tune musical instruments, they can also be used for sound therapy as well. When struck properly, a tuning fork will vibrate hundreds of times per second, which also vibrates the air around it. Tuning forks for sound therapy provide waves of sound that course through the body. The faster the vibrations, the higher the frequency—which also means the higher pitch you will hear.

How to Use a Tuning Fork for Healing

Tuning forks provide healing vibrational frequencies. When used properly, they can open the energetic pathways in the body that encourage and foster the flow of qi. 

The body is made up of 75% water. Sound travels five times faster in water compared to traveling through air. That means that the body is a great sound conductor. As the sound from a tuning fork travels through your body, it removes and reduces blockages in the body that disrupt the flow of your internal energy, qi. 

Any illness or medical condition that arises in your body might be the result of being “out of tune,” decreasing the flow of qi. Sound healing allows your body to get back to its natural state, reestablishing your body’s natural harmony. 

The Best Tuning Forks for Healing

Ultimately, the best tuning forks that you need for healing will depend on your overall health goals. For example, the frequency that you would use to address feelings of guilt and fear is going to be different compared to goals about healing for your digestive system. 

You should take the time to think about your healing goals before you start a tuning fork practice. If your goal is to improve the flow of qi and address feelings of stress, burnout, and fatigue, you might need to use multiple tuning forks to help with this process. 

Unweighted tuning forks are particularly well-suited for balancing the body’s energy fields and improving the flow of qi. The following frequencies might be a good starting point to address qi flow. 

You should review the various benefits of each frequency to determine which option is the best for you. You can learn more about each frequency and how to use tuning forks for healing by reviewing our information, resources, and courses


David Hulse