SomaEnergetics Passing the Torch to the Next Generation!
Passing the torch to the next generation!
“To everything there is a season!” SomaEnergetics started at the turn of the century through an interest David had in vibration and sound when he heard about the Solfeggio Frequencies. That interest grew into a thriving international community sharing a vision of using sound and vibration to empower a more peaceful and loving world.
After 23 amazing years it is time to pass the torch to the next generation. Our season with SomaEnergetics has been fulfilled. You can get a look back here. David just turned 78 and we want to turn our talents toward creating an online platform to share his inspiring spiritual teachings.
Earlier this year, we received four offers for SomaEnergetics. The offer we chose was not the highest financially but was the couple with the most heart and passion for taking SomaEnergetics to the next level!
It is with excitement for what comes next for SomaEnergetics that we announce the new owners of SomaEnergetics are Coby and Chyla who reside in PA. Coby is an ecommerce business owner and musician, and Chyla is a yoga instructor and a leader in the woman’s warrior movement. They are planning on introducing themselves to the Soma Family after the first of the year and have expressed that building community is an important aspect of their vision for SomaEnergetics.
At the same time, it is bittersweet to no longer be leading the Soma Family. Over the years we have gotten to know many of you very well. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your journey. You have inspired us along the way, and we appreciate your sharing the power of SomaEnergetics with your part of the world.
We will still be involved in the background during a transition period as we share our two decades of experience with the new owners.
For those that are on the certification pathway or who are already certified, just keep moving toward your certification goals. You can feel confident in placing orders as you will receive the same quality products and comprehensive training you have come to expect from SomaEnergetics. The only difference is they will be shipped from PA rather than NC.
If you would like stay connected with us, we invite you to share your email to be notified when we launch the new online spiritual school. David is offering his insights on the types of relationships we have in our lives and the roles they are there to play in our spiritual journey. To get this insightful booklet for free, simply sign up for R.I.S.E. Spiritual Awakenings: Radical Insights for Self-Empowerment!